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Who AM I?


Depending on how you know me, that answer can be very different. A voice. An actor, A marketing person. An A... well, you get the idea. No matter how you know me, maybe by the end of this blog, you will know me better - you can decide later if that is a good thing.

First off, I'm a mess. God loves me and still uses me, but I am a mess. I fail, fall, try again, and I'm convinced that it is worth it all. I love without condition, leap without looking, and always have a sarcastic comment at the ready. That sarcasm has gotten me equal parts in trouble and loved.

How has God used me? I have had two tracks that have run side by side professionally. I started in radio in December of 1985 when I worked at a local AM radio station in Walhalla, SC, near Clemson. Go Tigers! Since then, I have never not been on the radio. Even when I moved here in 1988, I worked at almost every station in the market, working my love for radio and some odd jobs to pay the bills. The worst was working at the cemetery, cutting grass, and digging graves. Soon came full-time employment at RX107, a faith-based music station - then CCM Sunday that, I hosted full or part-time until 2018. My high point was doing afternoons at Sunny 92.3 in Chattanooga, working alongside the legendary Luther. I'm on the radio today, serving as evening host at J103.

The other track of my career that of a Communications / Marketer came when my church, Oakwood Baptist, gave me a chance to head their media department, which I did for eight years. Later I worked as Communications Director for Silverdale Baptist. Both came to an abrupt end when leadership 'went a different direction.' The hardest part is that I tend to pour my heart into a job like this; it hurts more when it's over. Mix that with losing your church at the same, being disappointed by people I called friends, and it just sucks. Ministry is hard. It's filled with broken people trying to reach other broken people so that between being together and being with Jesus, being broken hurts less. I am still in ministry today, serving alongside Dr. Bernie Miller at New Covenant Fellowship Church.

I love without condition, or at least I try to. I often think about the story in Mark - chapter 11, where Jesus approaches the tree because He was hungry but finds no fruit, he cursed it, and it never bore fruit again. The world is hungry, and they are looking to us for fruit - the sweetest of which is love - and they aren't finding it. I do not care what you call yourself, what others may call you, what you identify as, who you voted for, believe in, or love. I truly believe that Jesus died for you, and if you and I are put together for some reason, I am to show you His love by loving you. That is hard to do these days, but it is worth it. Some of the places I can go, who I can go with, and what they let me speak into their lives is amazing. Love is not accepting everything a person does but loving that person despite it. Our society has also lost the effort to disagree without being disagreeable. The biggest offenders I see - are believers.

I leap without looking, and sometimes it pays off! It was just after 2p on July 4, 1990, and I wasn't supposed to be on the air at B103, but there I was in a studio kiosk in the middle of the mall. My buddy was there visiting with me, and I kept seeing this girl in a blue dress keep walking by. She worked in the mall, and I brag to my buddy if she walked by again, I'm calling her over here. I did, and she did! I leaned out the studio door and said, called her over. Now SHE is coming over to the studio. What do I do? What do I say? When she reached the studio door, I did and said the first thing that came to mind. 'Want a sticker?'

Two years later, to the day, the hour, and the minute we said I do.

I always have a sarcastic comment at the ready. When I was a kid, I was picked on by other kids a bunch, and I learned that if they picked on me, the other kids liked me - at least a little. They loved it when I teased back. I developed a quick whit and searing sarcasm. Even today, I tend to tease and cut up with those I like. If I'm not being sarcastic with you, I either don't know you or don't like you. Yes, this has gotten me in trouble many times over the years with those who don't get it - or don't like it. Honestly, I don't have time for people like that, and I tend to move on. Have fun, people!

As I look back at my 30+ year career, God has taught me, shown me, and allowed me to flesh out many things in my life, and it all comes down to a simple three-word phrase. Be. Pray. Give.

Be. Sometimes we get so busy in the doing that we forget that God often wants to spend time with us. So Be. But also be joyful. Be kind. Be aware of others. Be mindful. Be gracious. Be full of the spirit. Be Real. Be who you are at all times, don't put on airs or pretend to be someone you are not. People are attracted to authenticity - warts and all. Also, be loving. Be who Christ commands us to be to our neighbors, and we will win this world for Him. Not by standing on the street corner and shouting the loudest - or posting something on social media these days.

But while you are being, bloom where you are planted. I learned this with one of my missteps. I took a job at a nonprofit as their marketing director, and from the moment I stepped in the door on my first day, I knew things like that. I went for a few days, tried to get my old job back, and had waited too long. I thought this was not the plan! It was - part of His plan. For seven months, I told myself - bloom where you are planted. This job isn't where I want to be; it's where GOD wants me to be, which has to be good enough.

Pray. Many people will tell you of their time with God every morning at four as if that's the only way to pray (and read His word). I am not one of those people. I pray while driving, walking to a meeting, running, eating lunch, or whatever I am doing. Two to three times a day, I will read a devotion, some scripture, and talk with God about what He just showed me. The rest of the day is a constant, ongoing, never-ending conversation with God about everything.

Give. Give of myself—my time, talent, or treasure to build the kingdom of God here on earth. And to give me away to others because God loves them too. And also give UP control and let Him take control.

So, know you know me a bit better. I'm looking forward to meeting you soon.

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1 Comment

Mar 29, 2022

I have known you through most of our lives. I have to say you have always been a great friend and someone whom has never looked down at people. You have worried for me and prayed for me and my family. You have only lifted me up not ever torn me down. I will always call you friend. Great read.


© 2022 by Bobby Daniels

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